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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 5 Apr 1951

Vol. 125 No. 2

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Mental Hospital Attendants' Pay.

asked the Minister for Health if he has reached a decision concerning the improvement in the emoluments of mental hospital attendants; and, if so, if he will state the improved terms.

I have recently recommended to mental hospital authorities revised scales of remuneration for attendants and mental nurses in provincial district mental hospitals. The new rates represent an improvement on existing scales and, in addition to providing for the grant of an immediate increase of up to £25 to an attendant on obtaining registration in the Supplementary (Mental) Part of the General Nursing Council Register, will also enable the staff concerned to reach the maximum of the salary scale in a shorter period. I am sending the Deputy a copy of the relevant circular letter.

Is the Minister aware that the improvement effected is of use only to young married attendants with families?

I am not certain that that is a proper interpretation of the increases which have been granted, but I have reason to believe that further representations may be made, in which case I shall take the point put forward by the Deputy into consideration.
