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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 19 Apr 1951

Vol. 125 No. 8

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Agricultural Scheme for County Kerry.

asked the Minister for Agriculture whether he is aware of the necessity to inaugurate a scheme in Cahirciveen, Ballinskelligs, Portmagee and Valentia similar to the scheme for Connemara, and whether he will make the necessary arrangements in the matter at an early date.

The Coanemara project is as yet in the experimental stage. I explained to the Galway County Committee of Agriculture when inaugurating this project at their meeting in December, 1950, that our prospects of success in many of the new departures envisaged might not be more than 30 per cent., but that notwithstanding this consideration, the Government had authorised me to proceed so that no prospect of improving conditions in this area of many problems would be overlooked for the want of trying.

I hope out of our work in Connemara to learn of many ameliorative procedures which, having been tested under the proof of application, may subsequently be advantageously employed in other areas in West Kerry, Galway, Mayo and Donegal.
