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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 25 Apr 1951

Vol. 125 No. 10

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Price Control Exemptions.

Major de Valera

asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce if he will enumerate and specify (a) the commodities which have been exempted from price control under the Prices and Charges (Standstill) Order, 1951, since the date of that Order, specifying the controlled price ot each commodity at the date of decontrol; (b) the present price of each such commodity.

I would refer the Deputy to the commodities specified in the Schedule to the Prices and Charges (Standstill) Order, 1951 (Amendment) (No. 4) Order, 1951, which have been substituted for those specified in the Schedule to the Prices and Charges (Standstill) Order, 1951. The commodities included in the Schedule to the Prices and Charges (Standstill) Order, l951, which are not included in the Schedule to the amending Order have been exempted from price control under the Prices and Charges (Standstill) Order, 1951.

Since that amending Order was made further amending Orders have been made, with the result that the following commodities have also been removed from the scope of the standstill Order, viz., sausages and sausage meat, black and white puddings, sausage casings and gut, biscuits, bacon, potatoes, oatmeal and flake oatmeal (other than proprietary brands sold in packets).

The price at the date of decontrol of each of the commodities which has been exempted from control under the Prices and Charges (Standstill) Order, 1951, was the appropriate price as determined in accordance with the provisions of Article 6 (2) of that Order.

As the Deputy is, no doubt, aware the prices of uncontrolled commodities vary in different localities and even in different shops in the same locality. It is not feasible, therefore, to state the present price of each such commodity.

The prices of bacon, potatoes and oatmeal and flake oatmeal (other than proprietary brands sold in packets), which were originally controlled by the standstill Order and which are now controlled by specific prices Orders, are those specified in the Bacon (Maximum Prices) Order, 1951, the Potatoes (Maximum Prices) Order, 1951, and the Oatmeal (Maximum Prices) Order, 1951, respectively.

Major de Valera

Would the Minister be able to furnish Deputies at least with an index as to where they can find the prices at the date of decontrol of such commodities which were subject to control and then were decontrolled? I understand from the Minister's reply that there is a question of difficulty in getting the information. But surely the prices of these commodities at the date of decontrol should be known to the Department. If the Minister will not give the actual list, as was customary heretofore, can he at least not give an exhaustive index as to where we can get the information?

I assure the Deputy that I will study his supplementary question when I see it in print and I will see in how far, without undue labour, the points can be answered and will communicate with the Deputy.
