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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 30 Jan 1952

Vol. 129 No. 1

Written Answers. - Part-time Cleaner in National School.

asked the Minister for Social Welfare whether he is aware that under the National Health Insurance (Subsidiary Employments) Consolidated Order, 1944, Part IV, No. 42, part-time employment as cleaner in a national school is excluded from the National Health Insurance code, and, if so, if he will state why it is deemed desirable to establish this distinction between part-time employment as cleaner in a national school and similar employment in ordinary domestic and commercial premises.

I am aware that part-time employment as a cleaner in a national school is excepted from insurance under the National Health Insurance Acts by paragraph 42 of the First Schedule to the National Health Insurance (Subsidiary Employments) Consolidated Order, 1944. It is so excepted because it is employment of a class that is ordinarily adopted as subsidiary employment only and not as the principal means of livelihood.

A part-time cleaner in ordinary domestic and commercial premises is usually employed by more than one employer and the employment is normally the principal means of livelihood. In the circumstances such employment does not constitute a class of employment which should be excepted from insurance under the National Health Insurance Acts.
