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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 4 Jun 1952

Vol. 132 No. 4

Order of Business.

It is proposed to take business as on the Order Paper, No. 5 (Votes 56, 57, 8, 9 and 10), then No. 7. It is proposed to take No. 7 at 6.30. It is proposed also that Public Business be not interrupted to take Private Deputies' Business.

I give notice of my desire to raise the subject matter of Question No. 24 on last Thursday's Order Paper on the Adjournment, with your permission.

I will communicate with the Deputy.

Will the Tánaiste say when it is proposed to take the Committee Stage of the Finance Bill?


Would the Tánaiste say if there is any prospect of time being found to take the Second Stage of No. 11 on the Order Paper—Public Authorities (Judicial Proceedings) Bill?

I could not answer that question.

Perhaps the Tánaiste will look into the matter?

Private Deputies' Business is in a state of suspense at the moment. It will be looked into.

Is it proposed that the House will sit on Friday?

Yes; 10.30 to 5.

Will the Tánaiste say, if No. 7 is finished, do we revert to Estimates?

We revert to Estimates.
