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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 26 Feb 1953

Vol. 136 No. 12

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Widows' Unemployment Benefit.

asked the Minister for Social Welfare whether he is aware that, as a result of recent regulationsissued by his Department entitled the Social Welfare (Overlapping Benefits) Regulations, 1953, unemployment benefit payable to widows has been reduced to 12/- per week and that they receive no benefits normally allowed in respect of their dependent children; and, if so, if he will state the purpose of this regulation and take steps to revoke it so as to relieve the injustice and hardship imposed upon this category of insured persons.

The Deputy will appreciate that under the social welfare schemes the simultaneous payment of more than one benefit to or in respect of any person is, in general, undesirable. Under the provisions of the regulations referred to in the Deputy's question, however, reduced rates of personal unemployment benefit are payable to recipients of widows' contributory or non-contributory pensions and reduced rates of allowance in respect of one or of each of two dependent children are payable to widows whose non-contributory pensions include provision for one or two dependent children. The reduced rate of personal benefit is at least half of the appropriate weekly rate, and the reduced allowance of unemployment benefit is designed to bring the total provision for a dependent child to the weekly rate of 7/-.
