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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 11 Feb 1954

Vol. 144 No. 2

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Price of Eggs.

asked the Minister for Agriculture if he will state what instructions were issued by him regarding the price that dealers were to pay the producers for eggs in the last week of December, 1953, and the first three weeks of January, 1954, and the prices which egg shippers instructed shopkeepers to pay for eggs for each of the above weeks.

A Press notice issued on behalf of my Department, which appeared in the newspapers of the 20th and 21st December, 1953, announced that on and from Monday, 21st December, the price to poultry-keepers for good quality hen eggs should be 2/4 per dozen, based upon the export price authorised by me. The notice also indicated that as the export trade in eggs would return to private hands on 1st January, 1954, no announcement of producers' prices for eggs would be issued after 31st December, 1953. As regards the last part of the question. I have no information.

Is the Parliamentary Secretary aware that on the occasion of the notification of 2/4, which he has just mentioned, which was issued by the Minister for Agriculture, shippers had already instructed the shopkeepers throughout the country to pay 6/- a hundred (of six score) more for eggs on that particular morning? Is the Minister aware that such was the case and that his action in that advertisement had the effect of artificially depressing the price of eggs 6/- a hundred (of six score)?

I am not aware of it.

The Minister should be aware of it.

Mr. O'Sullivan

Would the Minister state whether this price quoted—2/4— is regarded by him as an economic price for eggs?
