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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 3 Nov 1954

Vol. 147 No. 3

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Hospital Workers' Wages.

asked the Minister for Health if he will state whether he proposes to increase the salaries of cooks, gatemen, laundresses and other employees in mental hospitals who did not benefit from the last increase given to their fellow-employees in such institutions.

I take it that the Deputy is referring to the revised salary scales approved for nursing staffs in provincial district mental hospitals on 18th December, 1951, and not to the last increase which was granted by way of temporary bonus in 1953 and was of general application. The revised scales approved in 1951 were applicable only to attendants and mental nurses and were given by reason of the qualifications, duties and responsibilities peculiar to nursing officers. They were not, therefore, such as could be applied to cooks, gatekeepers, laundresses or similar non-nursing employees. No general revision of the basic salaries of these classes is contemplated.
