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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 24 Mar 1955

Vol. 149 No. 5

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Importation of Table Ware.

Seán Mac Eochagáin

asked the Minister for Finance whether licences for the importation, free of duty, of table ware, which is made wholly or mainly of clay and which has been subjected to a process of glazing or vitrification, have been issued under the Emergency Imposition of Duties Orders, 1953, since 9th September, 1953, and, if so, if he will state (a) the declared value or weight of goods imported under such licences to date, and (b) the companies or individuals to whom licences have been issued.

The answer to the first part of the question is "Yes". These licences are issued by the Revenue Commissioners on the recommendation of the Minister for Industry and Commerce. In the period 9th September, 1953, to 31st January, 1955, the latest date up to which full particulars are available, consignments of the goods mentioned by the Deputy imported free of duty under licence amounted to 2,821 cwts., value £71,371. In addition, imports totalling 11 cwts., value £441, were admitted under licence at a reduced rate of duty of 10 per cent. ad valorem.

The names of companies or individuals to whom licences have been issued cannot be divulged.
