asked the Minister for Agriculture whether he is aware that in the opening weeks of the herring fishing at Rosbeg, County Donegal, inshore fishermen had to dump 40 crans of prime herring into the sea; and that neither An Bord Iascaigh Mhara nor the nearby fishmeal factory at Killybegs could relieve the fishermen of their comparatively small catches; and if, in order to ensure that as the winter herring fishing progresses such an incident will not occur again, he will now make arrangements to give prior consideration to the catches of the inshore fishermen.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Inshore Fishermen's Catches.
Mr. Flanagan
I am aware that a quantity of herrings was dumped recently at Rosbeg but my information is that the herrings were mostly spent fish and generally of poor quality. I understand that Bord Iascaigh Mhara had a considerable quantity of similar herrings on hands which had been purchased from inshore fishermen for fishmeal manufacture when this landing at Rosbeg was made and could not handle any more at the time. In view of the quality of the herrings the board was not prepared to purchase the landing for disposal on the fresh market or for processing.
As regards the last part of the question, the position is that all the herring purchased by the board in Donegal recently were landed by inshore fishermen. It would be impossible for the board to purchase all herrings landed by inshore fishermen even in a restricted area such as County Donegal regardless of quality and quantity. The Deputy can rest assured, however, that the board will continue to purchase to its full capacity any landings of satisfactory quality made by inshore fishermen.
Is the Parliamentary Secretary aware that the glut of herring on this particular occasion was caused by the landing of a large quantity of fish from the ring net fish trawlers? As this is likely to continue throughout the season in County Donegal, could the Parliamentary Secretary not do something to ensure that the landings by the inshore fishermen will be dealt with and not thrown back into the sea?
Mr. Flanagan
I have informed the Deputy that the board will continue to purchase to its full capacity any landings of satisfactory quality made by inshore fishermen.