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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 6 Dec 1960

Vol. 185 No. 5

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Turbary Development on Persse Estate, Galway.


asked the Minister for Lands the area of turbary which the Land Commission propose to retain and develop for the use of the tenants who hold 2,800 acres in common on the former Persse Estate in the electoral divisions of Kilchreest and Castleboy, County Galway.

The Land Commission have no turbary on hands on this estate. The 2,800 acres referred to—known locally as Roxboro Mountain—were allotted, in 1925, in undivided shares amongst some 80 allottees. Subsequently, efforts were made by the Land Commission over a period of several years, to obtain from the commonage holders a surrender of their surplus turbary, with a view to its development and allotment, but, as only about half of them would agree to do so, the Land Commission's proposals for development of the bog had to be abandoned. The commonage shares were vested in the allottees in 1953.
