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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 9 Feb 1961

Vol. 186 No. 2

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Improvement of Kilmore Quay (Wexford) Harbour.


asked the Minister for Lands the reason for the long delay in commencing the work of improvement at Kilmore Quay Harbour; and if he will give immediate approval for the work proposed so as to alleviate the difficulties which the owners of fishing boats are now undergoing owing to the unsatisfactory conditions in the harbour.

My Department has been advised that a model investigation of the conditions at Kilmore Quay harbour should be conducted in order to determine the best way of meeting the fishermen's needs. Wexford County Council, who have charge of the harbour, have been told of this and have been offered a State grant towards the cost of the investigation.

Would the Minister say when this grant was offered to Wexford County Council?

On 26th January last.

There is yet no indication from Wexford County Council as to whether or not, or when, they will commence work?

No, there is no such information available.

Could the Minister say why Wexford County Council should have to put up money either for the repair or improvement of Kilmore Quay harbour when £50,000 has been voted under the Board of Works Vote for Greencastle?

That is a separate question.

I think the Deputy must be aware that this has been the practice where large-scale preliminary investigation is necessary and particularly where the local authority are responsible for the harbour. They usually contribute 50 per cent. of the cost of such exploratory work as may be necessary.

Will the Minister explain——

This is a separate question and the Minister is not in order in replying.

——why the local authority has to pay in the case of Kilmore Quay and that does not apply in the case of Greencastle?

Because it has happened in other cases.

Why does the local authority not have to pay in Greencastle?


I do not know if the Deputy's statement is correct.

It is correct and £50,000 is the amount.
