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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 25 May 1961

Vol. 189 No. 7

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Contributory Old Age Pensions: Reduction of Special Allowances.


asked the Minister for Defence the number of cases in which Special Allowances payable under the Army Pensions Acts have been reduced in the case of persons who have received contributory old age pensions.

The number of cases in which special allowances payable under the Army Pensions Acts have been reduced as from the 6th January, 1961, consequent on the introduction from that date of contributory old age pensions is 938. In addition, 172 allowances, many of them marginal, have ceased.

In all these cases, however, the total income of the persons concerned by way of special allowance and old age pension has increased.

Would the Minister again say what would be the amount of the reduction if the person had a full contributory pension?

That is a separate question.

The position is that on a contributory old age pension amounting to £3 8s. 6d., £1 11s. Od. is assessed and the remainder is ignored. On a contributory pension of £2, 12/6 is assessed but the remainder is ignored.
