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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 27 Jun 1961

Vol. 190 No. 7

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Congo Airlift.


asked the Minister for Defence what the reasons were for the delay in the airlift of the 35th Infantry Battalion to the Congo; whether the U.S. Globemaster aircraft were correctly requested from the U.S. authorities; whether the proper procedure in obtaining diplomatic clearance to fly troops over France was followed; and what steps are being taken in his Department to avoid the repetition of such an incident.

I have no authoritative information as to the cause of the failure to despatch planes at the scheduled times for this airlift.

The United Nations authorities are entirely responsible for all the arrangements and they have, of course, many difficulties with which to contend in arranging such airlifts and in discharging their many other urgent and important tasks.

Pending a report from New York, I would prefer not to make any statement on the subject. It was considered desirable, however, that the United Nations Authorities should be made aware of the serious inconvenience caused here by the delay in the airlift and this has been done.

Is the Minister aware that on the morning the planes failed to arrive Radio Éireann ascribed that failure to the fact that some source in France stated they had not been asked to call for them? In view of that statement, it would be desirable, if that is not a correct report, that it should be repudiated by Radio Éireann.

I am not aware of that report having been made on Radio Éireann.

I can assure the Minister that I heard it myself.

That is the first I have heard about it.

I am glad I have drawn the Minister's attention to it.
