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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 14 Feb 1962

Vol. 193 No. 1

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Ireland's U.N. Role.


asked the Taoiseach whether in view of his statement of 16th January that membership of a European Community may alter in some degree Ireland's role in the United Nations he will outline in what way he considers Ireland's role in the United Nations might be altered; and whether there is to be any significant change in Irish foreign policy as a whole.

To the extent that Ireland's position within the United Nations has been related to the fact that she has not heretofore been a member of any political or economic group it is reasonable to expect that it may be affected in some degree following on our membership of the European Economic Community, but our general support for the aims of the United Nations, and our attitude on the main issues which arise within the United Nations will not, of course, be changed.

Are we to take it that the assumption is that if the French and Belgians show their teeth in relation to Ireland's attitude in the Congo with regard to our application for membership of the Common Market, we will accept their attitude?

The Deputy should not assume anything of the kind.
