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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 14 Feb 1962

Vol. 193 No. 1

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - White Paper on Common Market.


asked the Taoiseach whether he will now publish a revised up-to-date White Paper in connection with the Common Market.

I would refer the Deputy to the reply I gave to a similar question on 15th November. Of the developments which have taken place in the meantime, those of most consequence to us are the decisions taken by the EEC Council of Ministers in relation to the common agricultural policy. I propose to make available to members of the Oireachtas, in an appropriate form, information in regard to these decisions as soon as the final texts have been received and examined.

Can the Taoiseach give us any indication when that is likely to be?

I cannot. There is some difficulty in getting from the Secretariat of the Commission the final text of these decisions.

Can the Taoiseach not give us even a copy of the draft text as it is available to him at present?

I think it is desirable to get a clear statement of the texts so that the implications of these decisions can be fully understood. As soon as they are available, they will be circulated.

Would the Taoiseach not recall that on a previous occasion we asked for a White Paper and at first, it did not seem expedient to him to provide it? Then it became obvious that a White Paper was urgently needed, and he provided it at very short notice. Would the Taoiseach consider, in view of the considerable public discussion so easily generated about certain facets of the Common Market situation, that it might be desirable to provide an up-to-date White Paper, giving not only the strictly economic implications of the Agreement provided for under the Rome Treaty but the political and other consequences that may probably fall due for consideration if the negotiations proceed?

There is, as far as I know, nobody in the world who could write that White Paper.

I think the Taoiseach said something very similar to that on the last occasion, too.

We will put down a few more questions and get him to do his job in that way.

If the British decide not to come in, what will the Taoiseach do?


Do not laugh at all. We all know what he will do, but he will not say it.
