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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 11 Jul 1963

Vol. 204 No. 6

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - County Donegal Rural Improvement Scheme.


asked the Minister for Finance what is the cause of the delay in completing rural development scheme number Donegal 1469; why work ceased; and when it is proposed to resume.

This scheme was held up because it transpired during the course of the work that, owing to the unexpected discovery of substantial rock formation in the side banks, additional expenditure would be required to carry out the work as originally specified. Work was suspended pending the preparation of an estimate for the additional work required. The beneficiaries were not prepared to make an additional contribution towards the increased cost and on 8th July, 1963, the county engineer was authorised to reopen the scheme and complete it to a reduced standard.
