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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 11 Jul 1963

Vol. 204 No. 6

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - County Dublin Harbours.


asked the Minister for Transport and power if he is aware of the neglected condition of the harbours in Country Dublin; and if he will approach the Port and Docks Board with a view to having these harbours properly maintained.

I assume that the question refers to the harbours at Balbriggan and Skerries which are the responsibility of the Dublin Port and Docks Board.

I have made inquiries in the matter from the board and am advised that the maintenance expenditure on both harbours is far in excess of the harbour dues received. I am assured by the board that they are concerned that the harbours should be maintained in a reasonable condition but that any considerable additional expenditure on their part must be related to the likelihood of increased commercial use being made of the harbours.

I could not hear most of what the Minister has said in reply to this question but I wonder could he indicate when maintenance of any description was last carried out on these harbours?

I have not that information.

The complaint made to me is that they are deplorably silted up and that no maintenance whatever has taken place.
