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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 23 Oct 1963

Vol. 205 No. 1

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Cleaning of County Cork Rivers.


asked the Minister for Finance when it is proposed to provide grants under the arterial drainage scheme for the cleaning of the Arigideen and Ilen rivers, County Cork.

The Arigideen River is part of the Owenkeagh catchment area. This has been surveyed by the Commissioners of Public Works with a view to a scheme under the Arterial Drainage Act, 1945. The results show that the works required are very expensive in relation to the value of the land capable of improvement and it is difficult to evolve a satisfactory scheme. However, I am arranging that the final examination of this catchment will be taken up soon and I hope to have a decision on the proposal in the next few months.

There has been a preliminary examination of the Ilen River but it will be necessary to have a detailed engineering survey to decide whether an economic scheme can be evolved. We have in hands at present a very big arterial drainage programme which includes extensive survey work in many parts of the country.

Our staff is fully engaged on our present commitments. I am hesitant to make a definite promise but I hope that we will be able to carry out the Ilen survey next year.

Is the Parliamentary Secretary aware that grants have been refused for the clearance of smaller rivers flowing into the Ilen? In view of his statement that it is unlikely any scheme will be evolved for the Ilen river for some years, will he change his outlook on this and give grants for the clearance of smaller streams flowing into the Ilen, thereby improving productivity on adjoining lands?

As I say, when the surveys have been done and the reports are available, I shall review the position.

The Parliamentary Secretary will agree it is unlikely that any scheme will be evolved for the Ilen river for a number of years to come. Surely in the light of the present position and of the Parliamentary Secretary's statement in this House, he should rescind the decision in respect of the smaller streams and reconsider the applications that have been rejected during the past number of years.

The Deputy does not seem to appreciate that it would affect some of the tributaries flowing into the main river. It would have a very bad effect downstream.

It is the view of a number of experts that it would not adversely affect the area downstream.The smaller streams do not carry such a large volume of water as would appreciably affect a river of the size of the Ilen. The Parliamentary Secretary should change his outlook but I suppose it is no use asking him at this point because, with the present trend of events, he may shortly not be there at all.
