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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 13 Nov 1963

Vol. 205 No. 10

Ceisteanna — Questions. Oral Answers. - Dún Laoghaire Car Ferry Terminal.


asked the Minister for Transport and Power what is the present position regarding the proposal to build a terminal for a car ferry service at Dún Laoghaire; whether the amenities at present enjoyed by the public on the seawall will be interfered with; and what proposals are to be made for the rehousing of the National Yacht Club should the terminal make the present premises and moorings no longer available.

I would refer the Deputy to the reply given by me to a previous similar question on 24th October last. The matter is still under examination and I am not yet in a position to indicate the final decision. I hope to be able to do so shortly.

Would the Minister say why it is this terminal could not be built further up the River Liffey?

The port of Dún Laoghaire is much more suitable, having regard to the total distance, the length of time taken to turn around and other factors, such as the number of sailings that can take place in a given period.

That is palpably untrue, because the distance is about only two miles. Could this matter not be considered, not simply from the functional point of view, but from the point of view that this is a magnificent harbour, from which many people get considerable healthy entertainment by sailing in it or by walking along the wall. Since this amenity will be interfered with, could that consideration not operate in making a decision?

The amenity is naturally being considered in relation to the site being chosen. All the implications of the site in relation to tourism are being examined.

I was not referring primarily to the tourists. It may not have occurred to the Government, but our own people also live here, and it is they who mostly enjoy the amenities of Dún Laoghaire harbour.

I was using the word "tourism" in the larger sense — visitors both from amongst our own people and tourists.
