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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 10 Dec 1963

Vol. 206 No. 7

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - ESB Turf-Burning Plant.


asked the Minister for Transport and Power the reason why the turf burning generating plant of the ESB at Meenacuing, Gweedore, County Donegal went out of production this year and also in 1962; and if he will recommend to the ESB that they should now purchase hand-won turf produced in the area and give the producers a return for their labours.

The Deputy appears to be misinformed.

I am informed by the Electricity Supply Board that Meenacuing generating station was closed down this year and in 1962 only during the period of annual overhaul and alterations to plant. The station was designed to use 30,000 tons of hand-won turf per annum and has been accepting not less than this quantity.

The Minister is in communication with his Department again.
