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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 10 Dec 1963

Vol. 206 No. 7

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - North Dublin Water Supply.


asked the Minister for Local Government if he will recommend Dublin County Council to prepare a scheme for the provision of water to the County Council cottages at Coultry, Cloghran (Collinstown Lane and adjacent area) from the main, which is 250 yards distant.

It is my practice not to interfere with the local authority's discretion in deciding on the priorities accorded to particular water supply extensions.

Surely the Minister must have an obligation to draw the attention of a local authority to where it is being remiss in its duty, as in this case? I would ask the Minister to depart from his practice, at least once, in the interests of the unfortunate cottiers living around Dublin Airport who are within shouting distance of services which are provided for the Airport and for passengers to and from different parts of the world but which are not available to them. I ask him now, again, to direct the attention of the county council to this matter.

I shall pass on the Deputy's comments but this is only one of a number of such instances arising in Dublin county.
