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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 6 May 1964

Vol. 209 No. 8

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Acquisition of Building Land.


asked the Minister for Local Government if non-availability of building sites without ground rent, for persons borrowing from a housing authority under the Small Dwellings Acts, constitutes a valid reason for the compulsory acquisition of land.

It is a matter for housing authorities to decide in what circumstances the making of a compulsory purchase order to acquire land for the purpose of making available sites for private houses would be justified. In view of my functions in relation to compulsory purchase orders, I cannot express an advance opinion as to whether any particular circumstances would justify the compulsory acquisition of land.


asked the Minister for Local Government if a request for a compulsory purchase order has reached his Department in relation to four-and-a-half acres of land required for housing in Ballyboden, County Dublin; and, if so, if he will state (a) the date on which the request reached his Department, and (b) when he expects to be in a position to confirm the order.

Dublin County Council submitted a compulsory purchase order to acquire approximately 4½ acres of land at Ballyboden for housing purposes on 31st May, 1963. Objections were lodged against the confirmation of the Order and a public local inquiry was held on 30th October, 1963, to consider the matter. The evidence adduced at the inquiry is being examined and I hope to be in a position to reach a decision on the order in the very near future.

Is this not taking an unusually long time to decide in view of the position that we are in in County Dublin and in view of the urgency of site acquisition in the county?

It is taking a longer time than I would wish it to do but perhaps the Deputy and the House do not fully appreciate the number of these inquiries and reports that we have and the limited personnel there is available to deal with them and that, in fact, in this case it is not a question of somebody sitting on it somewhere, it is that the actual recommendation of the inspector has not yet come to hand but is, in fact, on its way.

Is the Minister aware that nearly any site we have to acquire in County Dublin now must be acquired compulsorily?

I quite understand that.

Some sort of priority consideration should be given to that.

I can assure the Deputy and the House that I have taken certain steps which will expedite the holding of inquiries and they will come to know the details later on.
