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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 13 May 1964

Vol. 209 No. 10

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Dublin Regional Tourist Organisation.


asked the Minister for Transport and Power the reason why members selected by Dublin Corporation to act as directors of the Dublin Regional Tourism Organisation Ltd. (Fáilte Áth Cliath Teoranta) are not eligible for election as officers of that body.

The memorandum and articles of association of the regional companies were drawn up by Bord Fáilte after discussion with regional tourism interests. I understand that neither the directors nominated by local authorities nor Bord Fáilte may be elected chairman.

The representatives of other bodies.

They include accommodation and catering directors, travel directors, a trade union director and an ordinary director. There is also a Bord Fáilte director.

Who is the ordinary director?

Someone elected from the general business community.

Did the Minister say "elected" or "selected"?

He said "elected" but he meant "selected".
