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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 25 May 1965

Vol. 215 No. 14

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Hit-and-Run Accidents.


asked the Minister for Justice (a) the number of hit-and-run accidents in the past twelve months, (b) the number of such accidents in respect of which prosecutions took place, and (c) the number in respect of which the offenders have not been apprehended.

The number of hit-and-run accidents known to the Gardaí in the 12-month period ended 31st March, 1965, was 650. Proceedings were instituted in 444 cases. In seven cases, proceedings could not be instituted because the persons concerned were resident outside the jurisdiction. The offenders were not traced in the remaining 199 cases.

I should perhaps mention that, while I have not a precise figure, the great majority of these accidents were ones in which no person was injured, most of them involving damage to unoccupied cars.
