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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 23 Nov 1965

Vol. 219 No. 1

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - An Foras Forbartha.


asked the Minister for Local Government (i) the year of establishment of An Foras Forbartha, (ii) the directors' names, (iii) the annual contribution to it from State funds, (iv) the total staff employed, (v) the qualifications of the directors, (vi) the purposes for which this company was formed, and (vii) what contributions, if any, it receives from other sources.

(i) 1964.

(ii) and (v)



G. A. Meagher, Chairman

Assistant Secretary, Department of Local Government.

P. Ó h Uigínn, Managing Director

Principal Officer, Department of Local Government. Formerly Officer-in-Charge, Housing, Building and Planning Branch of the United Nations and Housing and Building Economist to the Economic Commission for Europe.

I. Finlay

Principal Officer, Development Division, Department of Finance.

N. O'Brien

Principal Officer, Transport Division, Department of Transport and Power.

S. Ó Cearbhaill

Assistant Principal, Industries Branch, Department of Industry and Commerce.

C. Ó Dochartaigh

Principal Officer, Housing Section, Department of Local Government.

E. T. Sheehy

Principal Officer, Road Traffic Section, Department of Local Government.

(iii) 1965/66: Grant in Aid—£40,000

Road Fund—£5,315

(iv) 28

(vi) To undertake research into, provide training in and advance knowledge of

(a) the physical planning and development of cities, towns and rural areas, including the preservation and improvement of amenities in the context of the Local Government (Planning and Development) Act;

(b) various aspects of building and road construction;

(c) problems arising from or incidental to physical planning and development including environmental services and standards, traffic and transportation.

(vii) The United Nations Special Fund is providing expert services, fellowships, books and equipment to a total value of $725,000 to assist the operation of the Institute during the first five years.
