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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 9 Mar 1966

Vol. 221 No. 8

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - School Health Services.


asked the Minister for Health the percentage of pupils on the rolls of national schools examined under the school health services for each year since 1960.

Mr. O'Malley

The figures are: 1960, 31.0; 1961, 29.2; 1962, 30.6; 1963, 29.0; and 1964, 28.9; this is the latest year for which the information is at present available.

Does the Minister consider these figures satisfactory?

Mr. O'Malley

No, he does not.

Would the Minister say what he proposes to do to get more satisfactory figures made available?

Mr. O'Malley

The child welfare clinic service and the school health service are at present under examination by a study group comprising members of the staffs of certain local authorities and of the Department. One of the terms of reference is to "examine and report on the manner and respects in which the existing and/or augmented services may be required to be improved" stating fully the justification for any recommendations made.

Would the Minister have available information as to how long this study group has been in existence and how long it is likely to be in existence?

A White Paper will be published before Christmas.


Question No. 73.

Surely the Minister for Health should be allowed to answer the supplementary which I was allowed to ask? He says he has the information.

I do not know what information the Minister has.
