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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 8 Feb 1967

Vol. 226 No. 6

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Cost of Cork Airport Buildings.


asked the Minister for Transport and Power the estimated cost of construction of the principal buildings at Cork Airport; the final cost; and the reasons for the difference.

Cork Airport was considered by the Government as a composite project, including land acquisition, construction of runways, apron, roads, airport buildings, provision of navigational aids, etc. The estimated cost of the project as a whole, as approved by the Government, was £1 million. The final cost was £1,174,000.

The detailed planning of the airport, particularly the buildings, was very complex and because of time pressures, the main building contract was placed before the services to be provided under sub-contracts could be planned in detail or accurately costed. When tenders for the main contract were invited the estimated cost of the buildings was £260,000. The final cost was £476,000. The difference was mainly due to expenditure on sub-contracts and services covered by provisional sums exceeding the tentative estimates by £93,635; to extras which were deemed necessary after the contract had been placed amounting to £64,029; to works outside the scope of the contract amounting to £16,230 and to payments under the Price Variation Clause amounting to £14,606.
