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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 8 Feb 1967

Vol. 226 No. 6

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Cork Housing Project: TV Programme.


Mr. Barrett

asked the Minister for Posts and Telegraphs if he gave a written direction to the Broadcasting Authority to refrain from broadcasting a television programme or any part of it on a housing project in Cork under the title "Housewives Marketing Report" on 15th December, 1966; and why the programme was not broadcast as advertised.

I assume that the Deputy's question refers to that part of the programme "Home Truths" which was not broadcast on 14th December, 1966.

The answer to the first part of the question is no. I understand that a part of the programme was not broadcast because the Authority learned that legal proceedings were in course of being instituted and were legally advised that it would be prejudicial to the interests of justice if the programme were broadcast as planned.

Has the Parliamentary Secretary any comment to make on the widespread belief that there has been interference in so far as this programme is concerned—interference to ensure that certain vested interests will not have their feelings hurt by the presentation of this programme?

I do not accept that at all.

It is commonly believed.

Surely the Deputy does not hold me responsible for what is commonly believed?

Is the Parliamentary Secretary aware that the script for this programme has to be in the advertising section of Radio/Telefís Éireann a week in advance of the presentation?

That is a separate question.

No, it is not; it is very relevant. Is he aware that the script for this programme must be submitted to the advertising department of Radio/Telefís Éireann a week in advance, to make sure that no one's feelings are hurt?

To make sure that Radio/Telefís Éireann are not left open to any sort of legal attack.

And to enable the public to be exploited more readily.

My only function is under section 20 (3) of the Broadcasting Authority Act, 1960 which states:

The total daily time fixed by the Authority for broadcasting advertisements, and the distribution, determined by the Authority, of that time throughout the programmes, shall be subject to the approval of the Minister.

As far as I am aware, the Authority are making every effort——

Does the rule relating to advertising apply to Fianna Fáil Ministers? If so, there was the recent edition of "Nuacht" devoted exclusively to five Fianna Fáil Ministers and a piece about Mao Tse Tung.

The Ministers obviously had something important to say.

I put down the question and the Ceann Comhairle ruled it out of order so I thought I might get it in as a supplementary.
