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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 16 Feb 1967

Vol. 226 No. 9

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - North-South Labour Flow.


asked the Minister for Labour what restrictions are imposed by the Six County Government upon the free flow of labour between the Twenty-Six Counties and the area administered from Stormont.

I would refer the Deputy to the Safeguarding of Employment Act (Northern Ireland) 1947. A copy of this Act may be found in the Oireachtas Library at Chapter 24 of the Northern Ireland Public General Acts, 1947.


asked the Minister for Labour if, in view of the fact that unskilled residents of the Six Counties may take up employment in the Twenty-six Counties, he will make reciprocal arrangements with his counterpart in the Six Counties so that unskilled labourers in the Twenty-Six Counties may take up employment in the Six Counties without the necessity of work permits.

As already indicated by the Taoiseach in reply to a parliamentary question on 23rd April, 1963, I do not consider that representations of the nature suggested by the Deputy would, having regard to the unemployment situation in the Six Counties, serve any useful purpose. However, I would hope that problems such as this would be kept under review by the Six County Government, particularly in view of the improved relations between the two parts of the country.
