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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 23 Nov 1967

Vol. 231 No. 5

Ceisteanna—Questions (Resumed). - Commodity Price Increases.


asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce if he will give a list of the commodities which have increased in price with the permission of his Department since the setting up of the prices advisory body.

With your permission, a Cheann Comhairle, I propose to circulate in the Official Report a statement showing the commodities and services in respect of which I have permitted increases in prices and charges since the Prices Stabilisation Order, 1965, came into effect. Many of the increases approved were of a minor nature.

Following is the statement:

INCREASES in Prices and Charges (the main headings correspond to the headings shown in the Consumer Price Index).


Bacon and ham; processed meats; flour and wheatenmeal; bread; flour confectionery; sugar and chocolate confectionery; canned fruit and vegetables; packed, tinned and bottled foodstuffs; salt and condiments; milk; dried yeast.


Beer, spirits, cider and non-alcoholic beverages.


Adult's and children's clothing (including knitwear, underwear); woollen and worsted and poplin fabrics, thread, zip fasteners.


Leather, rubber and canvas footwear.


Electricity, gas, coal, turf and petroleum products.


Furniture and bedding; glassware; pottery; cutlery; electrical accessories; brushes; linoleum.


Medicinal preparations; cosmetics; polishes; candles; adhesives; fertilisers; stationery; magazines; newspapers; passenger cars and commercial vehicles; tubular steel; copper tubes; cylinders and fittings; iron foundry products; coffin mountings; cement, timber and other building materials; tiles; road making materials; leather and leather products; jute; laundering and dying charges; advertising rates; cinema admission charges; men's haircutting charges; process engraving charges.

Would the Minister say if the recent increase in the price of coal is included in that list?

Offhand I do not think so. I am speaking from memory. Coal is in the list, but I do not think it was a recent increase.

Would the Minister be surprised to know that some coal merchants—only some—have quite recently increased the price of coal substantially, and if the matter is brought to his notice, will he have it investigated?

Certainly, I shall have it investigated.

Would the Minister have the number of points of the rise in the consumer price index during the period?

I would not have that offhand, not for the whole period, certainly.



asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce if it is a fact that during the past week the price of sausages has increased by 1d per lb., of rashers by 2d per lb., of cooked ham by 4d per lb. and of bacon by 15/- per cwt.; if he has given his approval to these increased charges which will have a serious effect on the rise in the cost of living; the date on which the applications for these increases were made; the date on which the increased prices came into operation; why he permitted these increases; and if he will make a general statement on the matter.

Following an investigation of the circumstances of the bacon curing industry, I agreed in December last that bacon curers might vary their prices for bacon, including cooked ham or gammons, in accordance with variations in the price of pigs to them. I have no reason to believe that the bacon curers are not complying with these requirements but the normal periodical review of the situation will be made shortly.

I have not agreed to any recent price increase in sausages, and I will be prepared to have an investigation made of any price increases made by sausage manufacturers of which I receive details.
