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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 12 Jun 1968

Vol. 235 No. 7

Supplementary Estimate, 1968-69. - Vote 12—Superannuation and Retired Allowances.

I move:

That a sum not exceeding £2,300,000 be granted to defray the charge which will come in course of payment during the year ending on the 31st day of March, 1969, for Pensions, Superannuation, Compensation (including Workmen's Compensation), and Additional and other Allowances and Gratuities under the Superannuation Acts, 1834 to 1963, and sundry other Statutes; Extra-Statutory Pensions, Allowances and Gratuities awarded by the Minister for Finance; fees to Medical Referees and occasional fees to Doctors; Compensation and other Payments in respect of Personal Injuries; etc.

Could the Minister say what is the position in regard to the last increase from the point of view of bringing the superannuation completely up to the cost of living index? It is given in percentages and suddenly there is a flat amount taken.

Is the Deputy referring to the——

It is done in the various Pension Acts that come in year by year after the Budget. If the Minister has not got it handy——

I have a note of it here. Pensioners who retired before 1st November, 1961, which was the date of the eighth round pay rise, now have pensions based on not less than the seventh round pay—that was on 15th December, 1959—generally plus 28.24 per cent. Those who retired after that date of 1st November, 1961, have, in general, pensions based on not less than the eighth pay round plus 22 per cent. A further 5 per cent is being given to these categories with effect from 1st August next. That is the 5 per cent mentioned in the Budget. That means that from next August pre-November, 1961, pensioners will have pensions based on seventh round pay plus 35 per cent and those who went out after that date will, in general, have pensions on the eighth round pay plus 28 per cent. I just cannot relate that to the cost of living increases at the moment.

Very well. Thank you.

Vote put and agreed to.