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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 26 Jun 1968

Vol. 235 No. 12

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Tipperary Dairy Disposal Centre.


asked the Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries whether he is aware that at the peak of the season employment at the Dairy Disposal Centre, Tipperary, on shift work has been cut; and that unemployment in the area is already high owing to the closure of other avenues of employment including the sawmills; and whether, in view of the present surplus of milk and the extension of plant capacity in a neighbouring county, he will state the reason for the cut back in Tipperary and the measures he will take to restore the former level of employment.

I understand that, for the purpose of adapting the overall production pattern to current supplies of milk, the Dairy Disposal Company has decided to concentrate the manufacture of whole milk powder at its Limerick factory and to use its milk powder factory at Tipperary for the production of skim milk powder only. This has led to some curtailment of Sunday shift work at the Tipperary factory but I am informed that there has been no reduction in the total number employed there.

Is the Minister not aware that the shift work normally embarked on in this depot has been curtailed in recent weeks? Does he not agree that this is surprising, particularly at the peak period of the year? Would he take some steps to ensure that employment is maintained there and, if possible, use his good offices to see that there is some diversification of production in order to maintain employment?

The Deputy seems to be still under the impression that there has been a curtailment in the number employed there. My information is that the number has not been curtailed. It is true that Sunday shift work has been discontinued because of the concentration in the company's other factory on whole milk powder and the exclusive making of skim milk powder in the Tipperary factory, but the number has not diminished.

Can the Minister say whether the shift work will be resumed?

No, I do not think it likely.

Even in the near future?

Not in the immediate future, no.

That is very bad news for the workers there.

The workers are still in employment.

There has been a radical curtailment of employment on shift work.

There has not been a curtailment in the number employed.

It is a disgraceful state of affairs in a land overflowing with milk and honey.
