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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 4 Jul 1968

Vol. 236 No. 3

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Group Certificate Examinations.


asked the Minister for Education the total number of children who sat for the group certificate examination in 1967.

There are five group certificate examinations, namely, manual training, rural science, domestic science, commerce (general) and commerce (secretarial).

The total number of examinees in examinations in 1967 was 19,444.


asked the Minister for Education what facilities are available to those children who fail the group certificate examination and who wish to repeat the course and examination.

To qualify for the award of a group certificate a candidate must obtain in the same year a pass or honours in each of the compulsory subjects prescribed for the group and also a pass in oral Irish.

A candidate who fails in any of the group certificate examinations may repeat the group course and examination, provided that he or she has been enrolled before the preceding 1st November and has been in regular attendance since that date at a full-time post-primary course.

Is the Minister aware that in many cases there are no places for these children who have failed the group certificate examination? What happens in a case like that?

That is a separate question.

I asked what facilities are available. If facilities are not available to the children, it is up to the Department to make a statement on that fact.

Question No. 39.
