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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 11 Dec 1968

Vol. 237 No. 14

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Dublin Road Improvements.


asked the Minister for Local Government what proposals are before him for the improvement of the following roads: (1) Dublin-Bray, (2) between the Long Mile Road and Naas Road, (3) Chapelizod to Lucan and (4) Whitehall-Balbriggan; and if he will give an indication of how long it may be before these roads will be brought up to a proper standard in relation to the volume of traffic that uses them.

With regard to (1), I stated the position in relation to the Bray Road in reply to a question put down by Deputy Andrews on 29th October. With regard to (2), the council have submitted a compulsory purchase order for the land needed to improve this road. This order is being considered by me and I hope to be able to give a decision shortly.

There are no proposals before me in regard to (3), and I have dealt with (4) the Dublin-Balbriggan Road, in reply to earlier questions today. The execution of works on these roads is a matter for the road authorities concerned. I cannot say when comprehensive improvement works will be completed.


asked the Minister for Local Government if he will make a special allocation from the road fund to the Dublin County Council to help them construct proper main roads which will link Dublin city with surrounding counties; and if he can give an estimate as to how much it costs the country in loss, not only of time, but of lives arising from the lack of such suitable roads.

Such special allocations have, in fact, been made for the improvement of the arterial routes in the Dublin area, the latest being made this year. I have no estimate of the cost of the factors to which the Deputy refers.

(Cavan): Would the Minister agree that the Dublin-Navan road within County Dublin is in very bad need of attention and that nothing has been done to it within living memory? Further, would he take steps to encourage the Dublin County Council to do something with that particular stretch from Dublin to Clonee?

I agree with what the Deputy said with regard to the necessity for doing something about this road and Dublin County Council are taking the correct attitude now with regard to the improvement of these roads.

(Cavan): It is about time something was done about it.

Is the Minister aware that the portion of the Dublin-Mullingar road which is within the Dublin County Council area is in a disgraceful condition? The other sections within other county council areas, until you come to the Dublin boundary, are perfect and then you come to a bottleneck from Maynooth on and could something be done about this?

I am aware of the fact that this was due to the attitude of Dublin County Council over a number of years.

(Cavan): Could the Minister say, since he seems to know what particular steps the Dublin County Council are taking, what steps they are taking in regard to the Dublin-Clonee road?

(Cavan): The Minister said he was satisfied——

I did not.

(Cavan):——that they are taking the correct steps.

I said that they now have a more progressive attitude towards the improvement of these roads.

(Cavan): The Minister said that they were taking the correct attitude——

The correct attitude. If the Deputy wants to ask me anything about the Navan Road I will answer him.
