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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 12 Feb 1969

Vol. 238 No. 6

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Tractor Safety Bars.


asked the Minister for Local Government if any progress has been made towards the provision of safety bars for tractors, in view of the continued loss of life in tractor accidents.

On 25th January notice was given in the press, on television and on the radio of my intention to make regulations to provide for the compulsory fitting of safety frames on tractors used in a public place. Comments on this proposal were invited from interested persons and it was requested that such comments should reach my Department not later than 28th February, 1969.

Can we assume that as soon as the Minister gets the comments, as soon as possible after the end of the month, he will in fact make the necessary regulations because if he remembers both he and his predecessor have been promising something like this for about five years and people are still being killed by tractors?

Do not exaggerate.

I am not exaggerating. The Minister will remember questions being asked during that period.

I am glad Deputy Tully has noticed this in the press, on television and radio, and that he has seen fit to put down the question.

Do not be talking through your hat.

I am glad Deputy Tully has begun to take some interest.

From the welter of half truths from Fianna Fáil on television, it is difficult to know what is going on. I am glad the Minister has been awakened to the position and that he proposes to take action.

The half truths do not come from Fianna Fáil. We know where they come from.

Give a straight answer.
