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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 19 Feb 1969

Vol. 238 No. 9

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Poliomyelitis Immunisation.


(Dublin South-Central) asked the Minister for Health if he can state the percentage of babies born in 1966, 1967 and 1968 who were immunised against poliomyelitis.

The form in which information regarding immunisation against poliomylitis has been furnished by health authorities to my Department does not permit the extraction of information in the precise form requested by the Deputy.

An intensive national immunisation against poliomyelitis was carried out in 1965. In that year 237,637 children in the pre-school age group, representing approximately 88 per cent of all children under five years of age, were presented for immunisation. By the close of the year 188,313 of these children had received the full course of immunisation (three separate feedings) which takes up to four months to complete. In 1966 and 1967 the numbers of pre-school children presented for immunisation were 38,816 and 48,765 respectively. The numbers of children completing immunisation in these years were 38,282 and 44,362 respectively.

The returns in respect of 1968 are not yet available from health authorities. When received, they will include particulars for children under two years of age. Immunisation is not normally commenced before a child has reached the age of six months.
