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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 23 Apr 1969

Vol. 239 No. 13

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Local Authority Borrowing.


asked the Minister for Local Government the total amount borrowed by local authorities during the period 1st April, 1957, to the 31st March, 1969.

I would refer the Deputy to my reply to Question No. 12 of 27th March last. There has been no change in the position since then.

Who asked that question?

Is the Minister aware that while rates are increasing local authorities are sinking further and further into debt and that many of them at present cannot get loans from insurance companies or banks to pay sewerage grants and for other essential purposes due to the millstone already around their necks?

The debt was incurred in the provision of essential services and I think it was in the public interest. The Deputy who asked the earlier question was Deputy P. D. Harte.

Every time the Minister has occasion to refer back to a question asked some months previously, if it was a Fianna Fáil Deputy who asked the question he mentions the name but if it is an Opposition Deputy he does not.

No. If the Deputy studies even the answers to today's questions he will find that is not so.

There was a reference back to a question that was asked by a Fianna Fáil Deputy and his name was mentioned.

There was at least one case in which an Opposition Deputy was mentioned. The Deputy can look them up tomorrow.


I have asked the Minister a very important question. Is the Minister aware that local authorities——

I am aware of why the Deputy got out of Mullingar Mental Hospital Board.

The Minister had to conduct himself once on a driving charge and he should not become personal with me or I will give him his answer. Is the Minister aware—he has not answered the question—that local authorities are being refused loans at the present time——

The Deputy has already asked that question.

The Minister refused to answer the question because he cannot answer it.


Question No. 41.
