asked the Taoiseach how many old age pensioners in this country live alone; and what is their average weekly income.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Old Age Pensioners.
The information requested by the Deputy is not available. The following particulars are relevant to the subject of the inquiry:—
The total number of persons aged 70 years or over at the census of population taken in April, 1966, was 208,781. Of these 22,814 (or 10.9 per cent) were recorded as living alone.
The total number of old age pensioners in April, 1966, was 171,850. This figure comprises persons in receipt of old age contributory pensions and their adult dependents aged 70 or over, persons in receipt of old age non-contributory pensions and women aged 70 years or over in receipt of widows' contributory pensions.
Is it not possible for the Parliamentary Secretary's Department to ascertain the number of old age pensioners living alone and depending solely on their old age pensions?
In April, 1966, which is the date of the last census, there were 22,814 persons aged 70 years or over living alone. They were not all old age pensioners. That was 10.9 per cent of persons over 70.
Would the Parliamentary Secretary not agreed that it can be safely assumed that the vast majority of them would be totally dependent on their old age pension?
No, that would not appear to be so from the figures available.
Why not?
The proportion of old age pensioners to the total of persons aged 70 or over would not appear to bear that out.
The Parliamentary Secretary——
Question No. 11. I have called Question No. 11.
——mentioned a figure of 22,814.
Yes, that is persons aged 70 or over living alone, but the figure is not available for old age pensioners as such.
So the Department is not aware of the number of people aged 70 and over living alone who are totally dependent on their old age pensions?
We are aware of the number of persons aged 70 or over living alone and I have given that figure.