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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 19 Mar 1970

Vol. 245 No. 5

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Physical Education.


asked the Minister for Education what qualifications and what manner of selection determined the students of physical training who were recently sent to England for a training course; whether there are any facilities in the State for giving similar training in physical education to (a) boys and (b) girls; and what assistance is given by the State towards the provision of courses in physical training for student teachers.

Applicants for the Department's scheme of scholarships for men to St. Mary's College, Twickenham, were required to be over 18 years and to hold the leaving certificate with honours, or Grade C—honours paper, in Irish, and in at least one other subject. A small number of other applicants who were university degree holders were selected for a one year course.

All the applications received were carefully considered and those applicants whose educational attainment was highest and who displayed special ability at sport and games were summoned for interview. Those placed highest in order of merit by the selection board were awarded scholarships.

There is at present no Irish college of physical education for men. There are two institutions where women teachers of physical education are trained.

These are private institutions and are not in receipt of State grants.

Could I ask the Parliamentary Secretary whether there has been any progress in regard to the point I raised previously on this matter, that is, to put the girls in equal position with the boys who have now leaped from them by getting free education while the girls still have to pay for it? When can we expect a decision?

The position in relation to girls' physical education is under active consideration in the Department and the Deputy can be assured of my interest in trying to bring about a satisfactory conclusion to these discussions.

I accept that.
