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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 24 Jun 1971

Vol. 254 No. 14

Ceisteanna — Questions. Oral Answers. - Community Schools.


asked the Minister for Education if he will state, in relation to the local meetings held last week on community schools, when he expects to complete his consideration of the report made to him by the officers who conducted the meetings.

I am not yet in a position to say when I will have completed my consideration of the report made to me by the officers who conducted last week's local meetings on community schools.

I will make a statement on the matter at the appropriate time.


asked the Minister for Education the difference between a community school and a comprehensive school.

In answering this question I will deal only with the differences in concept between a community school and a comprehensive school that apply in this country. As I have indicated in replies to previous questions our comprehensive schools are intended to serve as experimental schools in addition to their ordinary functions. On that account the number will be strictly limited. Otherwise the functions of the two schools are identical: they both serve a total community and are unrestrictive as to entry.

One other difference between a community school and a comprehensive school is that I am represented on the board of management of the latter whereas it is proposed that the board of management of the community school should be drawn entirely from the locality served by the school.


asked the Minister for Education on what basis pupils for admission to comprehensive schools are selected.

Comprehensive schools are open to all pupils who fulfil the conditions necessary for entry to post-primary education. In a case in which the number of applicants might exceed the possible intake final selection is a matter for the board of management of the school concerned. I should add that such selection would not be based on an entrance examination.
