asked the Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries if his attention has been drawn to reports that some ground barley, which has been adulterated with water and oats, is being sold to farmers; and if action will be taken to curb this practice.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Ground Barley Adulteration.
I have seen a report that water and oats have been added to ground barley being sold to farmers. No complaints of this nature have been received in my Department. If the Deputy gives me details of any cases he is aware of, they will be investigated.
What power has the Minister where a case is proved?
Can he curb them?
In the matter of feeding stuffs the Minister has power. Deputy Bruton's question refers to ground barley and I am not absolutely certain about this. However, in the case of provender, the Minister has power to prosecute. I doubt if there was adulteration with ground oats because oats are very expensive.
But water is cheap.