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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 26 Jul 1973

Vol. 267 No. 12

Written Answers. - Catalogue Discount Store.


asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce if, in view of his decision not to introduce legislation banning trading stamps, as recommended by the National Prices Commission, he proposes to allow a company (name supplied) to open catalogue discount stores in this country similar to those recently opened in the UK.

It is not correct that the National Prices Commission now recommend the banning of trading stamps.

They have stated in their report for May, 1973, that there would be technical difficulties in providing legislation to ban trading stamps and they recommend instead that the stamp company should be compelled to raise the cash sum for which a book of stamps can be redeemed and that my approval should be received in advance of any proposed increase in the number of books of stamps required for any goods.

There is no provision in existing legislation requiring official approval for the opening of the type of store to which the Deputy refers.
