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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 8 Nov 1973

Vol. 268 No. 11

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Children's Court Procedure.


asked the Minister for Justice the improvements he envisages in procedure in the Children's Court; and when it is intended to introduce such improvements.

I think there will be general agreement that changes are needed in the arrangements for dealing with children who come before the courts. I have considered how best this matter should be approached and I have certain proposals which have not yet been finalised. I hope to be in a position in the fairly near future to make a more detailed statement on the subject.

Could the Minister tell me what the position is in relation to the projected temporary children's courts on the Irish Distillers site at Smithfield, which it was hoped would be in operation by October of this year possibly in conjunction with a temporary circuit court building?

It is intended to have a temporary children's court and a temporary Circuit Court suitable for criminal trials on the site to which the Deputy refers. I understand that the planning of these is proceeding, but I am unable to say when the new buildings will be erected. I have conveyed to the Office of Public Works my concern that these plans would proceed with the utmost urgency.

Am I correct in my recollection that these were intended to be temporary pre-fab buildings, that no elaborate planning would be necessary and that the Board of Works said they could put them up in a short time?

I was under the same impression as the Deputy, but I gather something as simple as that would not meet the needs. While they will be temporary and will, to an extent, be pre-fabricated, they will not be prefabricated in the normal sense of buildings we see advertised for erection overnight. They will be more substantial than that, because it is envisaged they will have to serve a number of years.
