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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 13 Dec 1973

Vol. 269 No. 12

Ceisteanna—Questions. - Energy Sources Research.


asked the Minister for Transport and Power if, in view of the present energy position, and that likely to obtain in the future, he will establish and endow a research body to investigate the possibility of locating new sources of energy and to make better and more economical use of present sources.

The European Communities have undertaken a research programme for the purpose of developing alternative sources of primary energy, including the development of controlled thermonuclear fusion, production of hydrogen from water, solar energy and the fluidification of coal. As Ireland is a member of the European Communities the benefits of the Community research programme will be made available to us. I do not at present envisage the establishment of a separate research body in this field.

Under a technical assistance scheme administered by my Department grants are payable to industrial firms and hotels towards the cost of the engagement of consultants to carry out full efficiency surveys. A grant of up to one-half of the cost of the survey may be paid.
