asked the Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries if he is aware of the extent of the damage caused to piers along the coast of South Kerry and West Cork by recent storms and floods; and the plans he has in mind to carry out immediate repairs.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Storm Damage to Piers.
The repair of damage to piers along the coast of South Kerry and West Cork as a result of the recent storms is the responsibility of the respective county councils who, I understand, are dealing with the matter.
Is Ballycotton included in that?
No, it refers to a specific pier and it does not extend to Ballycotton.
I understand the Parliamentary Secretary to say that no funds will be available to repair these piers. Is that correct?
No, I shall read the reply again. The repair of damage to piers along the coast of South Kerry and West Cork as a result of the recent storms is the responsibility of the respective county councils who, I understand, are dealing with the matter.
Therefore there will be no State assistance even if the damage is caused as a result of the severe storms we experienced this year? Will it be entirely a matter for the local authority?
The question of their repair is being dealt with by the appropriate county councils, Cork and Kerry, and the extent of the damage caused by the particular storm is not that extensive.
Are there any funds available in the Department for such works?
Each specific case that comes to the knowledge of the Department is dealt with on its individual merits.
Would the Parliamentary Secretary be in a position to say whether his Department have given any thought or consideration to making moneys available to these local authorities to see that these piers are reconstructed and put into working order as quickly as possible?
This question refers to specific piers and the Deputy is broadening the scope of the question into a national one. I am calling the next question.
Could I have a reply to my supplementary?
Each application is examined on its merits.
The Parliamentary Secretary has no plans, no finance and no intention of doing anything. The Parliamentary Secretary is not interested.
The Deputy has asked a question and given the reply himself. I am calling the next question.