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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 1 May 1974

Vol. 272 No. 4

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - County Galway Sea Wall.


asked the Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries if he will arrange to have repairs carried out to the sea wall at Tawnaghbawn, Cashel, County Galway.

I have no funds at my disposal to defray the cost of repairs to the sea wall referred to in the Deputy's question.

As I was not able to hear the Minister's reply perhaps he would be good enough to repeat it.

I said that I have no funds at my disposal to defray the cost of repairs to the sea wall referred to in the Deputy's question.

The Minister is aware of the problem of this area but is he aware that since this matter was brought to his notice some months ago by way of Parliamentary Question, serious damage has been caused which has aggravated the problem of flooding in the area and which, also, has interfered with fish landing facilities? It seems to be a retrograde step——

Would the Deputy be brief, please.

—— not to seek to provide funds to alleviate the difficulties being experienced by the farmers and the fishermen in the area.

Has the Deputy approached the county council to ascertain whether they will be prepared to help from their local improvements scheme?

It does not qualify under that scheme.

The Minister is trying to pass the buck.

Question No. 12.

On a point of order, we have had only one supplementary on the last question. Surely we are entitled to more than that.

The Chair has been very considerate so far at Question Time today. I am calling the next question.

Is it in order to prevent Deputies from asking more than one supplementary?

We have had numerous supplementaries today.

Why can we not have one now?

The Chair is in charge of Question Time both in so far as the numbers and relevancy of supplementaries are concerned.

My name is a red rag as far as the Chair is concerned.

The Deputy must conform to the rules of this House as must anybody else.

The Chair is protecting the Minister from being asked embarrassing questions.

That is a most unfair allegation which Deputy Collins knows to be completely untrue.

The Minister gave wrong information to Deputy Molloy.

I have never given wrong information to anyone.
