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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 22 Oct 1975

Vol. 285 No. 1

Order of Business.

It is proposed to take business in the following order: Nos. 6, 12, 7 and 13; that the Transport and Power (Supplementary Estimate) be debated with the Second Stage of the Tourist Traffic Bill and that, by agreement, there will be no interruption today for Private Members' Business.

I have received a letter——

Would the Deputy please allow the Chair to dispose of the Order of Business.

——from the Ceann Comhairle informing me that I am not being allowed a question regarding what is the definition of the word "bloodstock" in relation to the wealth tax. If neither the Minister nor the Revenue Commissioners can supply me with this information, from where am I to obtain it?

The Deputy may not interrupt the business of the House in this fashion. He may not challenge my ruling on this matter.

How am I to ascertain the information?

If the Deputy requires information my office will endeavour to facilitate him.

The office of the Minister cannot provide the information.

Will the Deputy please allow business to proceed?

On the Order of Business can the Taoiseach say whether it is proposed that the Taoiseach make a statement to the House on the general hospital plan and, if so, whether there will be the opportunity for a debate on the matter?

I understand it is the Tánaiste's intention to consider that suggestion.

Also, on the Order of Business, can the Taoiseach say what is the reason for the delay in the return of the Protection of Young Persons (Employment) Bill from the Seanad.

I suppose there is no Minister.

The Minister is ill. The Deputy was ill once, too.

If he is ill, it is our mutual concern.

Can the Taoiseach indicate when that Bill may be back from the other House?

I will inquire from the Minister.
