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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 9 Mar 1976

Vol. 288 No. 10

Written Answers. - Protective Legislation for Deaf and Blind.


asked the Minister for Health if he considers it desirable in principle to introduce special protective legislation to cater for the social and economic rights of the deaf and blind; and, if so, if he has any proposals in the matter.

As the Deputy is aware, a good deal of consideration has been given in recent years to the problems of the disabled. It has not emerged clearly that it is necessary to make special legislative provision for these two categories of the disabled and, in fact, present thought is that the needs of deaf and blind people should be considered as part of the general problem of the disabled. For example, the Working Party on Training and Employing the Handicapped, whose report I have accepted in principle, recommended that, so far as possible, future arrangements for training and employment should not provide for separate arrangements for the different categories of handicap. I shall, however, bear the Deputy's representations in mind in connection with the development of the services generally for the handicapped.
