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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 23 Mar 1976

Vol. 289 No. 1

Written Answers. - ESB Connection Charges.


asked the Minister for Transport and Power why two persons (details supplied) in County Cork are being charged enormous terms for ESB connections when seven neighbours availing of the same scheme are not being charged; and if he will consider recommending a reduction in both cases.

I am informed by the ESB that nine applicants in the Ballingeary rural area have been quoted terms for supply under the final phase of the subsidised rural electrification scheme in that area.

Seven applicants are in one group and all were quoted interdependent terms which did not involve payment of capital contributions. All of these applicants have accepted the terms quoted.

The other two applicants' houses are located separately. In one case an individual high tension extension of 600 metres and a five kVA transformer would be required and, in the other case, an individual high tension extension of 800 metres and a five kVA transformer would be required.

The terms quoted were based on the cost involved in making supply available. Due to the high individual cost of extending supply to the two applicants, capital contributions of £285 and £442.50 respectively were required. The capital contributions quoted represent in each case a buying out of part of the special service charges.

As I have explained in reply to recent questions of a similar nature, I have under consideration the possibility of assisting those householders who were quoted capital contributions for connection to the electricity supply under the final phase of the subsidised rural electrification scheme but who were, because of the high capital costs involved, unable to accept the terms.
